
Growth Groups
Sunday Bible Study | 9:30am
Wednesday Prayer | 6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study | 6:00pm
Men's Lunch | 3rd Thursdays @ 11:45am
Men's Devotional Breakfast | 1st Fridays @ 8:00am
Women of Faith | 2nd Tuesdays
For detailed information call (910) 457-1909

Shoreline Pantry
Shoreline Baptist Food Pantry strives to serve 6 meals weekly to over 60 individuals with canned goods, pastas, breads, and fresh produce. Shoreline is blessed to serve over 1,000 families, 3,200 individuals each year in Southport and surrounding communities with food for body and soul.
Food Pantry Sponsors
Lowe's Foods
Feeding America
Kiawana Giving Garden
South Harbor Neighbors
Shoreline Church Members

Shoreline Baptist Church Southport is comprised of members who have a vision to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. We believe that Jesus is the only hope for this world. We take the Great Commission seriously and attempt to live it out daily. As a means to staying focused on fulfilling the Great Commission I regularly ask myself and our members “what impact will our lives have on eternity?”
The answer that continues to rebound back is “The impact of our lives will be measured by our passion and our passion by the depth of our sacrifice. A passion for the Edge (Unreached Peoples with little or no access to the Gospel) puts to death every other passion and produces a zeal to reach the Edge now.” Come and join us at Shoreline and let’s reach the nations for Christ together.

The Mitchums in Thailand
Shoreline has partnered together with the Mitchum family (Jesse, MacKenzie, Lily, Hazel, Cameron, and Simon) as they seek to make disciples among the people of Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Jesse and MacKenzie are both former students of Pastor Ed and helped host a missions team from Shoreline back in 2019.
To learn more about their ministry, click here.

The Williams Family
The Williams family are currently at work to open a restaurant in Jaipur, India which will help create job opportunities for local Indians.
Please keep them in your prayers as they make preparations to move there long term and get the restaurant up and running by the end of 2024.